
Overview: Generating HardCopy Files

During or after compilation, you can generate HardCopy files for a design with one of the following APEX 20KC, APEX 20KE, or APEX II target devices:

The HardCopy files contain timing requirements that are used for a design when it is converted for HardCopy devices. After you generate the files, you can add the files to the Quartus® II Archive File (.qar) that is used when converting the design. Go to Overview: Archiving Projects for more information about including HardCopy files in a QAR File.

Prior to generating HardCopy files for the design, you can use the HardCopy Power Estimation command (Project menu) to open the HardCopy HC20K Power Calculator page on the Altera® web site, which estimates power requirements for a design you are converting for HardCopy devices. You can use the HardCopy HC20K Power Calculator page for a design with one of the following APEX 20KC or APEX 20KE target devices:

To generate HardCopy files or estimate power requirements for designs that are converted for HardCopy devices, you must first specify project-wide, HardCopy-specific timing requirements in the options under HardCopy timing settings in the HardCopy Settings page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu).

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