CAD tools Overview of Mentor Graphics...

CAD21 members can use Mentor Graphics CAD Framework to realize our original architecture of VLSI systems effectively. Mentor Graphics CAD contains following tools. The introduction to use the CAD tools is here.
Design Manager
Design manager for Falcon Framework.
Design Architect
Schematic entry for design sheet and symbols, VHDL Entry.
Quick Sim II
Simulate the design sheet data, complied VHDLs.
Logic Synthesiser from AutoLogic VHDL ( a subset of IEEE System-1076), Timing Analyzer for layout data.
GDT Designer
Schematic entry, layout editor, automatic placement & routing in a cell, design rule & electrical rule checker.
Placement & routing for standard cells.
Floor Planning for blocks.
Routing between blocks and external pads.

VHDL VHDL TTL Library etc.
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