-- -- Copyright 1992 -- Your Company Name -- All Rights Reserved -- -- File name : -- Title : -- Notes : -- Author(s) : -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MODIFICATION HISTORY : -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- version no:| author:| mod. date:| changes made: -- V0.100 | | | Original Code -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Library library_name; Use work.library_name.all; Architecture architecture_name of entity_name is begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Master Process ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- process_label : Process ( sensitivity list ) -- variable declarations -- variable variable_name : type; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Internal Procedure Declaration -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Procedure procedure_name -- ( SIGNAL signal_name : mode type; -- variable_name : mode type -- you don't have to -- declare already- -- declared variables -- here -- ) is -- begin -- end procedure_name; -- begin -- main process -- end process; end architecture_name;