Modelsim Environment Setup

This page documents the steps used in creating a directory structure compatible with the Modelsim QHDL environment in the Unix environment.

Grab the file and unzip via: directory, do the following:


This will setup a directory structure that looks like:

	         /Makefiles    -- Makefiles for VHDL libraries
	         /exam1        -- source directory for VHDL example #1 
	        /utilities     -- various files that define useful
	                       -- VHDL packages which we will use in
                               -- this course
	              /exam1        -- compiled VHDL object code for example #1
		      /utilities    -- compiled VHDL object code for utilities

(there are actually more files in this archive than the ones listed above but this document only refers to a subset). Except for the 'Makefiles' directory, each directory under the 'src' directory represents a VHDL 'library'. The VHDL files within the library contain VHDL entities, packages, and configurations that reside within the library. Under the 'Makefiles' directory, there is a 'Makefile' for each VHDL library, i.e:

     src/Makefiles/Makefile.exam1    - makefile for library 'exam1'
     src/Makefiles/Makefile.utilities    - makefile for library 'utilities'

Compiling using a Makefile

To compile the contents of a library using one of the Makefiles, change directories to the 'src' directory and do:

      swsetup modelsim
      gmake -f Makefiles/Makefile.exam1  TOOLSET=qhdl
This will compile the contents of the 'exam1' library. The Makefile has been written to be compatible with several VHDL simulators, hence the use of the 'TOOLSET' variable. The 'swsetup' command only has to be issued once in order to put the Mentor QHDL tools on your path; you may want to add this to your .cshrc file.

Adding new VHDL entities/packages/configurations to a library

If you want to add new VHDL entities/packages/configurations to an existing library then:

When editing the Makefile, look at how the update rules for the other VHDL files are done and simply follow the same pattern.

Adding a new library

If you want to add your own VHDL library, then follow these steps, all of which must be executed from within the 'src/' directory:

Running the 'exam1' VHDL code

The 'src/exam1' directory contains the following files:

The 'stim.vhd' entity applies test vectors to the test bench; the last test vector is applied at 151 ns. The following command will run the simulation in batch mode for a 160 ns:

  qhsim -c -lib ../obj/qhdl/exam1 cfg_tb  -do "run 160 ns;quit"

The '-c' option specifies that 'qhsim' should be run in batch mode. The -lib option specifies the library, in this case '../obj/qhdl/exam1'. The next parameter, 'cfg_tb', must be the name of the VHDL entity OR configuration to be executed. The '-do' option specifes the commands to be executed; these commands can either be directly specified as shown or contained in a file.

The 'qhsim' simulator can also be run in an interactive mode which is useful for debugging. Do this via:

  qhsim -lib ../obj/qhdl/exam1 cfg_tb  &

You should see a bunch of 'loading' messages as VHDL object code modules are loaded. From within this window, type:
 view *
This will cause MANY windows to pop up; do not be intimidated by the number of windows. The windows and their functions are as follows: The most useful windows will be the 'source', 'variables', 'signals', and 'wave' windows; you can terminate the rest of the windows by clicking right on their top edge and selecting 'quit' from the pop-up menu.

The 'wave' window is used to display signal waveforms during simulation execution. I have prepared a command file to add signals to this window; the file is called '' and is in the 'src/' directory. To execute this command file, type:

in the main simulation window. Click on the 'wave' window and see what signals got added. These are signals which are defined in the 'tb.vhd' file which is the top-level entity.

To run the simulation for 160 ns, type:

 run 160 ns
The signals in the wave window will be updated as shown:

Restart versus Loading Changed Code

If you want to restart the simulation from time 0, then execute the 'File->Restart design' command as shown below.

If you edit a VHDL file and recompile, you can execute the 'File->Load new design' command to load in the changed code. This is faster than quitting the simulator and starting it up again.


You can set a breakpoint in an entity by using the 'Structure' window to locate the component; click on the target component and then the 'Source' window will show the VHDL source for that component. To set a breakpoint, click on the VHDL line in the source line for the breakpoint and a red dot will appear. To remove the breakpoint, click on the VHDL line again. Use the 'Step' and 'Step Over' buttons in the VHDL simulation to single step the simulation. The 'Structure' and 'Source' window are shown below: