
Keywords: reg
default value: x
default size: 1 bit

The fundamental difference between nets and registers is that registers have to be assigned values explicitly. That value is held until a new assignment is made. This property can, for example, be used to model a E-type flip flop as shown in figure below, with corresponding Verilog code given below.

        module E_ff(q, data, enable, reset, clock);
            output q;
            input data, enable, reset, clock;
            reg q;

            always @(posedge clock)  // whenever the clock makes a transition to 1
                if (reset == 0)
                 q = 1'b0;
                else if (enable==1)
                 q = data;
                // implicitly : else q = q:


Register q holds the same value until it us changed by an explicit assignment.

As a contrast, if we go into a higher level module, for example the stimulus shown below, the output from the E_ff would have to be assigned as a net so that the E_ff module can drive its value. So now q is a wire.

        module stimulus;
          reg data, enable, clock, reset;
          wire q;

        initial begin
          clock = 1'b0;
          forever #5 clock = ~clock;

        E_ff eff0(q, data, enable, reset, clock);
        // as with 'c' in the previous section, the wire 'q' will now have its
        // value driven into it by the E_ff module.

        initial begin
          reset = 1'b0;
          #10 reset = 1'b1;
              data = 1'b1;
          #20 enable = 1;
          #10 data = 1'b0;
          #10 data = 1'b1;
          #10 enable = 0;
          #10 data = 1'b0;
          #10 data = 1'b1;
          #10 enable = 1;
          #10 reset = 1'b0;
          #30 $finish;

          $monitor($time, " q = %d", q);


Consider the stimulus above and predict the output for q. Then stimulus and check your answer.

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