Effects of System-on-chip (SoC) on uC Bus Products
Wade Peterson, President and CEO of Silicore Corporation, presented a paper at the VMEbus Standards Organization (VSO) on July 21, 1999. The topic was: System-on-Chip and its effect on Microcomputer Bus Products. For more information about the VSO, please see the VITA (VMEbus International Trade Association) website at http://www.vita.com.
Abstract Over the next 5-10 years, system-on-chip (SoC) concepts will radically change the way that microcomputer bus products are designed. Wade Peterson of Silicore Corporation presents a general introduction to system-on-chip technology, and offers his opinions about its impact on the bus and board industry. A sneak preview of Silicore's upcoming VMEbus IP core technology is presented, as well as a general introduction to WISHBONE, a new microcomputer bus for system-on-chip applications. Wade Peterson has over 15 years of microcomputer bus experience in the areas of board design, integrated circuit design, systems integration, software engineering, expert witness testimony and patent infringement investigation. He is a named inventor on four US patents, is the author of The VMEbus Handbook (four editions) and presents a regular seminar entitled UNDERSTANDING VME64 throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.
Download a Copy of the Presentation A copy of the presentation slides can be downloaded by clicking below:
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