Press Release / For Immediate Release Silicore Corporation Releases 8-Bit VHDL RISC Microprocessor IP Core August 17, 1998 - Minneapolis, MN USA. Silicore Corporation announced today the release of its latest VHDL microprocessor IP core. Called the Silicore SLC1655, the core provides a complete 8-bit RISC processor solution for use on FPGA or ASIC devices. Typical applications include sensors, medical devices and consumer electronics.
The core is unique because it allows the user to create a complete, single chip microcontroller right at their own desk. The Silicore SLC1655 requires only 10% - 25% of an FPGA part (including RAM and instruction ROM), leaving plenty of room for added peripherals. Furthermore, the SLC1655 can be fabricated using a wide variety of package types, speeds and temperature ranges. For high volume production, the core can be moved into an ASIC device.
Wade Peterson, President and CEO of Silicore, stated that: "This product opens up exciting new possibilities for electronic designers. It creates a whole new genre of solutions available to the end user. They can completely control the design, and add whatever peripherals and I/O's they want. With this product they no longer have to pay expensive NRE charges, or wait weeks or months for prototype microcontrollers."
The Silicore SLC1655 core includes an 8-bit RISC processor, RAM, ROM, counter/timer and power-down logic. A complete evaluation kit, using a Lucent ORCA® FPGA, is available. Typical operating speeds are 5-10 MIPS. It is delivered as a VHDL 'soft-core', and is portable across many brands of FPGA parts such as those available from Lucent, Xilinx and Altera.
The core is software compatible with the PIC® series of microcontrollers from Microchip Technology, Inc (Chandler, AZ). [Over 600 million PIC(R) processors have been sold since 1990]. Many third party software tools such as assembler, simulator and 'C' compiler are available for the Silicore SLC1655. Furthermore, the core can easily run at twice the speed of the Microchip counterpart on FPGA hardware.
For more information see the Silicore web site at <>, or contact: Jeff Pearson at 800-583-7484. Silicore Corporation, 3525 East 27th Street, Suite 301; Minneapolis, MN USA 55406.
Silicore is a service mark and trademark of Silicore Corporation. ORCA® is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies Inc. PIC® is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology, Inc. Silicore Corporation is not affiliated with Microchip Technology, Inc.
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