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Model Technology Inc.

The $sdf_annotate system task

The syntax for $sdf_annotate is:



(["<sdffile>"], [<instance>], ["<config_file>"], ["<log_file>"], ["<mtm_spec>"], ["<scale_factor>"], ["<scale_type>"]);



String that specifies the SDF file. Required.


Hierarchical name of the instance to be annotated. Optional. Defaults to the instance where the $sdf_annotate call is made.


String that specifies the configuration file. Optional. Currently not supported, this argument is ignored.


String that specifies the logfile. Optional. Currently not supported, this argument is ignored.


String that specifies the delay selection. Optional. The allowed strings are "minimum", "typical", "maximum", and "tool_control". Case is ignored and the default is "tool_control". The "tool_control" argument means to use the delay specified on the command line by +mindelays, +typdelays, or +maxdelays (defaults to +typdelays).


String that specifies delay scaling factors. Optional. The format is "<min_mult>:<typ_mult>:<max_mult>". Each multiplier is a real number that is used to scale the corresponding delay in the SDF file.


String that overrides the <mtm_spec> delay selection. Optional. The <mtm_spec> delay selection is always used to select the delay scaling factor, but if a <scale_type> is specified, then it will determine the min/typ/max selection from the SDF file. The allowed strings are "from_min", "from_minimum", "from_typ", "from_typical", "from_max", "from_maximum", and "from_mtm". Case is ignored, and the default is "from_mtm", which means to use the <mtm_spec> value.


Optional arguments can be omitted by using commas or by leaving them out if they are at the end of the argument list. For example, to specify only the SDF file and the instance it applies to:

$sdf_annotate("myasic.sdf", testbench.u1); 

To also specify maximum delay values:

$sdf_annotate("myasic.sdf", testbench.u1, , , "maximum"); 

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase