Using Selected Signal Assignments

Selected Signal Assignment Statements list alternatives that are available for each value of an expression, then select a course of action based on the value of the expression.

You can use Selected Signal Assignments to create multiplexers, as shown below.

ENTITY selsig IS
      d0, d1, d2, d3   : IN STD_LOGIC;
      s                : IN INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 3;
      output           : OUT STD_LOGIC
END selsig;

ARCHITECTURE maxpld OF selsig IS

WITH s SELECT      -- creates a 4-to-1 multiplexer
   output    <=   d0 WHEN 0,
                  d1 WHEN 1,
                  d2 WHEN 2,
                  d3 WHEN 3;

END maxpld;

The select expression, which is located between the WITH and SELECT keywords, selects the signal that is to be assigned to the target signal. In this example, when the value of the s multiplexer select expression is 0, the multiplexer output d0 is assigned to the target signal output. When the value of s is 1, the output is d1; when s is 2, the output is d2; when s is 3, the output is d3.

The select signal can also be declared as an enumeration type, as shown below:

PACKAGE meals_pkg IS
END meals_pkg;

USE work.meals_pkg.all;

ENTITY selsigen IS
      previous_meal   : IN MEAL;
      next_meal       : OUT MEAL
END selsigen;

ARCHITECTURE maxpld OF selsigen IS

WITH previous_meal        SELECT
   next_meal <=           BREAKFAST    WHEN DINNER | MIDNIGHT_SNACK,
                          LUNCH        WHEN BREAKFAST,
                          DINNER       WHEN LUNCH; 	

END maxpld;

When the value of the previous_meal multiplexer select signal is equal to the constant DINNER or MIDNIGHT_SNACK, the multiplexer output is BREAKFAST. When previous_meal is BREAKFAST, the output is LUNCH. When previous_meal is LUNCH, the output is DINNER.

For more information, see "Section 9.5: Concurrent Signal Assignment Statements" in the IEEE Std 1076-1993 IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual.

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