
lpm_fifo_dc (Dual-Clock FIFO) Megafunction

Parameterized dual-clock FIFO megafunction. The lpm_fifo_dc function uses mega RAMs or M4K or M512 memory blocks in Stratix and Stratix GX devices, M4K memory blocks in Cyclone devices, Embedded System Blocks (ESB) in APEX 20K, APEX II, ARM®-based Excalibur, and Mercury devices, Embedded Array Blocks (EAB) in ACEX® 1K and FLEX 10KE devices, or DFFE primitives or latch arrays in FLEX® 6000, MAX® 3000, and MAX 7000 devices or if the USE_EAB parameter is set to "OFF". If you need extra features you may use the dcfifo megafunction. Altera® strongly recommends using synchronous rather than asynchronous RAM functions.

NOTE The Quartus® II Compiler automatically implements suitable portions of this function in mega RAMs or M4K or M512 memory blocks in Stratix and Stratix GX devices, in M4K memory blocks in Cyclone devices, in ESBs in APEX 20K, APEX II, ARM-based Excalibur, and Mercury devices, and in EABs in ACEX 1K and FLEX 10KE devices. The Compiler automatically implements this function in logic cells in FLEX 6000, MAX 3000, and MAX 7000 devices.

Altera also recommends instantiating this function as described in Using the MegaWizard® Plug-In Manager.

NOTE The synchronization and internal logic in lpm_fifo_dc may cause the information in the wrempty, wrfull, wrusedw[], rdempty, rdfull, and rdusedw[] ports to be delayed by one clock cycle of latency.

This topic contains the following information:


AHDL Function Prototype (port name and order also apply to Verilog HDL):

FUNCTION lpm_fifo_dc (data[LPM_WIDTH-1..0], rdreq, wrreq, rdclock, wrclock, aclr)
   RETURNS (q[LPM_WIDTH-1..0], rdempty, rdfull, wrempty, wrfull, 
      rdusedw[LPM_WIDTHU-1..0], wrusedw[LPM_WIDTHU-1..0]);


VHDL Component Declaration:

COMPONENT lpm_fifo_dc
      wrclock, rdclock, wrreq, rdreq: IN STD_LOGIC;
      aclr: IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
      wrfull, rdfull, wrempty, rdempty: OUT STD_LOGIC;
      wrusedw, rdusedw: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(LPM_WIDTHU-1 DOWNTO 0)



USE lpm.lpm_components.all;


Port Descriptions:


Port Name Required Description Comments
data[] Yes Data input to the lpm_fifo_dc. Input port LPM_WIDTH wide.
rdclock Yes Positive-edge-triggered clock. Synchronous read of lpm_fifo_dc.  
wrclock Yes Positive-edge-triggered clock. Synchronous load of lpm_fifo_dc.  
wrreq Yes Write request control. The data[] port is written to the lpm_fifo_dc. Writing is disabled if wrfull = 1.
rdreq Yes Read request control. The oldest data in the lpm_fifo_dc goes to the q[] port. Reading is disabled if rdempty = 1.
aclr No Asynchronous clear input. Resets the lpm_fifo_dc to empty.  


Port Name Required Description Comments
q[] Yes Data output from the lpm_fifo_dc. Output port LPM_WIDTH wide.
rdempty No If asserted, indicates that the lpm_fifo_dc is empty and disables the rdreq port. Synchronized with rdclock.
wrfull No If asserted, indicates that the lpm_fifo_dc is full and disables the wrreq port. Synchronized with wrclock.
wrempty No Indicates that the lpm_fifo_dc is empty. Delayed version of rdempty that is synchronized with wrclock.
rdfull No If asserted, indicates that the lpm_fifo_dc is full. Delayed version of wrfull that is synchronized with rdclock.
rdusedw[] No The number of words that are currently in the lpm_fifo_dc.

Synchronized with rdclock. Required if wrusedw[] is used.

Output port with width [LPM_WIDTHU-1..0].

wrusedw[] No The number of words that are currently in the lpm_fifo_dc.

Synchronized with wrclock. Required if rdusedw[] is used.

Output port with width [LPM_WIDTHU-1..0].


Parameter Descriptions:

Parameter Type Required Description
LPM_WIDTH Integer Yes Width of data[] and q[] ports.
LPM_WIDTHU Integer Yes Recommended value is CEIL(LOG2(LPM_NUMWORDS)). Width of the rdusedw[] and wrusedw[] ports.
LPM_NUMWORDS Integer Yes Number of words stored in memory, which is usually a power of 2. The last three words of the lpm_fifo_dc may not be available for writing because of the synchronization pipelines between the two Clock schemes. These pipelines are intended to avoid internal metastability. Because of these pipelines, information available to one Clock scheme regarding when reads and writes occur may be temporarily unavailable to the other Clock. The wrfull and rdfull ports of a lpm_fifo_dc must be raised high slightly before the lpm_fifo_dc is completely full, in order to avoid overshooting the top of the fifo. This process may cause several words at the end of the fifo to become unavailable. Depending on the rate you are writing to the fifo, the wrfull and rdfull ports may go high with three words remaining, with two words remaining, or with one word remaining in the fifo. However, this process is necessary both to accommodate the clock synchronization and to ensure overshoot does not take place. If you need to maintain a specific number of words, you may want to specify a number for the LPM_NUMWORDS parameter that is up to three words greater than the amount you believe is needed.
LPM_SHOWAHEAD String No Allows the data to appear on q[] immediately without asserting rdreq explicitly. Values are "ON" or "OFF" (the default is "OFF"). Specifying "ON" for LPM_SHOWAHEAD may reduce performance.
LPM_HINT String No Allows you to specify Altera-specific parameters in VHDL Design Files (.vhd). The default is "UNUSED".

Altera-specific parameter. Disables the overflow-checking logic when set to "OFF", so that wrfull is no longer checked for wrreq. Values are "ON" or "OFF" (the default is "ON").

NOTE Writing to a full lpm_fifo_dc gives unpredictable results.

Altera-specific parameter. Disables the underflow-checking logic when set to "OFF", so that rdempty is no longer checked for rdreq. Values are "ON" or "OFF" (the default is "ON").

NOTE Reading an empty lpm_fifo_dc gives unpredictable results.
DELAY_RDUSEDW Integer No Altera-specific parameter. Any integer greater than or equal to 0. Specifies the number of register stages that are added internally to the rdusedw[] port. The default value of 1 adds a single register stage to the output to improve its performance. This parameter is not available for simulation with other EDA simulators.
DELAY_WRUSEDW Integer No Altera-specific parameter. Any integer greater than or equal to 0. Specifies the number of register stages that are added internally to the wrdusedw[] port. The default value of 1 adds a single register stage to the output to improve its performance. This parameter is not available for simulation with other EDA simulators.
RDSYNC_DELAYPIPE Integer No Altera-specific parameter. Specifies the number of register stages that are added internally for synchronization from the write control logic to the read control logic. The default value of 3 provides good insurance against the possibility of internal metastability when rdclock and wrclock are unrelated. This parameter is not available for simulation with other EDA simulators.
WRSYNC_DELAYPIPE Integer No Altera-specific parameter. Specifies the number of register stages that are added internally for synchronization from the read control logic to the write control logic. The default value of 3 provides good insurance against the possibility of internal metastability when rdclock and wrclock are unrelated. This parameter is not available for simulation with other EDA simulators.
USE_EAB String No Altera-specific parameter. Values are "ON", "OFF", and "UNUSED". Setting the USE_EAB parameter to OFF prevents the Quartus II software from using ESBs to implement the logic in APEX 20K, APEX II, ARM-based Excalibur, and Mercury devices, or EABs in ACEX 1K and FLEX 10KE devices; it can use only flipflops or latches. (The "ON" setting is not useful in memory functions: the Quartus II software automatically implements memory functions in ESBs or EABs by default.) This parameter is not available for simulation with other EDA simulators and for FLEX 6000, MAX 3000, MAX 7000, Stratix, and Stratix GX devices.


Truth Table/Functionality:

The lpm_fifo_dc function represents memory with synchronous inputs and/or outputs.

Synchronous Memory Operations
rdclock rdreq wrclock wrreq aclr Function
X X X X H Resets the lpm_fifo_dc to empty.
Rising Edge L X X L No change (requires positive clock edge).
Rising Edge H X X L Read from the lpm_fifo_dc (if not empty).
X X Rising Edge L L No change.
X X Rising Edge H L Write to the lpm_fifo_dc (if not full).


Resource Usage:

Uses one embedded cell per data output bit for ACEX 1K, APEX 20K, APEX II, ARM-based Excalibur, FLEX 10KE, Mercury, Stratix, and Stratix GX devices; however, in FLEX 6000, MAX 3000, and MAX 7000 devices, or if the USE_EAB parameter is set to "OFF", uses one logic cell per memory bit.

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